
A Crossover Study to Examine Exercise-Induced Rates of Fat Oxidation ...

A Crossover Study to Examine Exercise-Induced Rates of Fat Oxidation ...


A Crossover Study to Examine Exercise-Induced Rates of Fat Oxidation With and Without Ingestion of a Caffeine-Based Energy Drink

编号:irb -23-96


The aim of this study is to evaluate acute changes in rates of fat oxidation during exercise with and without the ingestion of a caffeine-based energy drink in healthy men and women.

Exercise and Performance Nutrition Laboratory (Fieldhouse 126)


访问2-3:大约3 -3.5 hours


Connor Gaige


  • 15名健康男性和女性.


  • Male or female participants between 18 – 50 years of age
  • 签署知情同意书
  • Healthy defined as currently not being treated for an active cardiac, pulmonary, metabolic, 免疫, neurological, respiratory, orthopedic, 肌肉骨骼, psychiatric, 或生殖疾病或失调. With the research team and principal investigator's discretion, some ongoing treatments will be permitted if a determination is made that the treatment will not increase the risk of study participation and the treatment will not confound with desired study outcomes
  • Physically active which is defined as performing aerobic or resistance-based physical exercise between 2 and 5 times per week
  • Moderate caffeine users (~300 mg/day)
  • Body mass index values will range from >24.0 to < 31.9 kg/m2. The average body mass index for the entire study cohort will be less than 31.99 kg/m2. As such, an ongoing calculation of the recruited cohort’s mean body mass index will be maintained and people will only be randomized into the study if the average cohort body mass index value does not exceed 31.99 kg/m2
  • Willing and able to agree to the requirements and restrictions of this study, 愿意给予自愿的同意, and carry out all study-related procedures 


  • Body mass index > 31.9 kg/m2
  • Positive medical history and/or is currently being treated for some form of heart or cardiovascular, 神经系统损伤, 疾病或状况, 免疫紊乱或疾病, 甲状腺疾病, 肾脏疾病, renal failure, 常规透析, liver disease, or other diagnosed hepatic impairment
  • Diagnosed with having Type I or Type II diabetes (determined as fasting blood glucose > 126 mg/dL)
  • Diagnosed with major affective disorder or other psychiatric disorder that required hospitalization in the prior year
  • History of cancer (except localized skin cancer without metastases or in situ cervical cancer within 5 years prior to screening visit).
  • Participant has an abnormality or obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract precluding swallowing (e.g.(如:吞咽困难)和消化(如.g., 已知肠道吸收不良, 乳糜泻, 炎症性肠病, 慢性胰腺炎, steatorrhea)
  • Currently prescribed statin drugs (i.e., Lipitor, Livalo, Crestor, Zocor, etc.)或任何高血压药物(例如.e., Beta-blockers, ACE Inhibitors, Alpha-blockers, Vasodilators, etc.) or any other medication at the discretion of the principal investigator
  • Current smoker (>10 cigarettes per day)
  • Participants who are lactating, pregnant, or planning to become pregnant
  • History of alcohol or substance abuse in the 6 months prior to screening
  • Receipt or use of an investigational product in another research study within 60 days of beginning the study protocol
  • 任何情况或异常, 在调查员看来, would compromise the safety of the participant or the quality of the study data
  • Extensive travel (>1 month) that will disrupt the original outline of the study protocol


Information provided here reflects current IRB approval for this research. However, this information may be subject to change and updated accordingly.

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